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Vendanta Arogya Kendra

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Vedanta Arogya Kendra has great perfection to get rid off various body ailments mostly common in human beings living with a modern lifestyle by the means of alternative therapies.

Our centre provides Alternative medicines with various kind of nature cure modalities. Natural Therapies and yoga are systems of healthy living for improving the physical mental moral and spiritual planes of human life by adopting a holistic way of treatment which besides being drugless and free from side effects aim at preventing recurrence of the disease. Nature Cure and Yoga have their roots well placed in our cultural heritage and are now becoming popular as alternative systems of medicine. W.H.O. has recommended this system of medicine for the promotion of Positive Health. In this system of treatment you feel rejuvenated and joyful during the treatment and thereafter as well.

Dr. V.K.Porwal: B.Sc DNYS DNHE BASM CATM is the senior consultant of Vedanta Arogya Kendra. He is an expert Naturopath Acupuncturist Dietician Advance Pranic Healer & Yogic Healer.

He has the scientific approach to treat chronic and common diseases from root site by means of traditional art of Naturopathy & Acupuncture as well as Advanced Spiritual healing techniques. He had treated varieties of ailments of foreign patients as well as Indian patients 


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Gurgaon, Haryana

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